Database storage and access using annotations.


Class Annotations

* @record my_table
class MyClass implements Helix\DB\EntityInterface, ArrayAccess {
use Helix\DB\AttributesTrait;
* "id" is a required column.
* @column
* @var int
protected $id = 0;
* @column
* @var string
protected $myColumn;
* @eav foo_eav
* @var array
protected $attributes;
* @return int
final public function getId() {
return $this->id;
  • Columns must be named the same as their respective properties.
  • EAV tables must have 3 columns: entity, attribute, and value.
    • entity must be a foreign key.
    • entity and attribute must form the primary key.

Interface Annotations

Interfaces can be annotated to act as junctions.

* @junction foo_bar
* @foreign foo_id Foo
* @foreign bar_id Bar
interface FooBar { }
  • The interfaces don't have to be implemented.
  • The referenced classes may be identical.

Supported Drivers

  • MySQL
  • SQLite

Class Diagram