Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CDateTimeAddTraitDate-time addition helpers
 CDateTimeCastTraitFurther manipulate the expression as a date-time
 CDateTimeDiffTraitDate-time diffing
 CDateTimeFormatTraitDate-time formatting
 CDateTimeModifyTraitDate-time component modifiers
 CDateTimeSubTraitDate-time subtraction helpers
 CDateTimeTraitDate-time expression manipulation
 CBaseConversionTraitFurther manipulate the expression in a different numeric base
 CNumCastFloatTraitFurther manipulate the expression as a float
 CNumCastIntTraitFurther manipulate the expression as an integer
 CNumTraitNumeric expression manipulation
 CStrCastTraitFurther manipulate the expression as a character string
 CStrTraitCharacter string expression manipulation
 CAggregateTraitAggregation functions
 CComparisonTraitComparative functions
 CValueTraitType-agnostic functions
 CBranchA CASE expression, with or without a subject expression
 CDateTimeA date-time expression
 CExpressionA literal expression, exempt from being quoted
 CExpressionInterfaceMarks the instance as a literal SQL expression, exempt from being quoted
 CNumA numeric expression
 CPredicateA logical expression that evaluates to a boolean
 CStrA character string expression
 CValueA typeless value expression, which can be cast to any type
 CValueInterfaceAn expression that evaluates to a single value
 CSerializerConverts an entity's values to/from storage types
 CAbstractTableUses ArrayAccess to produce Column instances
 CAttributesTraitForwards ArrayAccess to an EAV array property named $attributes
 CColumnImmutable column expression
 CEAVArray storage in an extension table
 CEntityInterfaceExposes the object's auto-increment ID
 CJunctionRepresents a junction table, derived from an annotated interface
 CMigrationInterfaceMigrations must implement this
 CRecordRepresents an "active record" table, derived from an annotated class implementing EntityInterface
 CReflectionInterprets classes and annotations, and manipulates objects
 CSchemaSchema control and metadata
 CSelectRepresents a SELECT query
 CStatementExtends PDOStatement for fluency and logging
 CTableTable manipulation using arrays
 CTransactionScoped transaction/savepoint
 CDBExtends PDO and acts as a central access point for the schema