+ Inheritance diagram for AbstractServer:


Abstract server socket.

Public Methods

string __toString ()
 The server's name as <address>:<port>, or <filepath>:0 for Unix sockets, or ?<id> if a name can't be derived (e.g. More...
$this bind (string $address, int $port=0)
 Binds to an address and port, or file path (Unix) for the OS to create, so the server can listen. More...
- Public Methods inherited from AbstractSocket
 __construct ($resource)
 Validates and sets the underlying socket resource. More...
 __destruct ()
 Closes the socket if it's open. More...
$this await (int $channel)
 Blocks until the socket becomes available on a given channel. More...
$this awaitOutOfBand ()
$this awaitReadable ()
$this awaitWritable ()
$this close ()
 Closes the underlying resource if it's open. More...
int getDomain ()
 The AF_* address family constant. More...
int getId ()
mixed getOption (int $option)
 Retrieves an option value. More...
resource getResource ()
array getSockName ()
 The local address and port, or Unix file path and port 0. More...
bool isOpen ()
bool isOutOfBand ()
 Polls for whether the socket can perform a non-blocking out-of-band read. More...
bool isReadable ()
 Polls for whether the socket can perform a non-blocking read. More...
bool isReady (int $channel, ?float $timeout=0)
 Selects for channel availability. More...
bool isWritable ()
 Polls for whether the socket can perform a non-blocking write. More...
$this setBlocking (bool $blocking)
 Enables or disables blocking. More...
$this setOption (int $option, $value)
 Sets an option on the underlying resource. More...
$this setTimeout (float $timeout)
 Sets the I/O timeout length in seconds. More...
$this shutdown (int $channel)
 Shuts down I/O for a single channel. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Properties inherited from SocketInterface
const CH_EXCEPT = 2
 Out-of-band channel. More...
const CH_READ = 0
 Read channel. More...
const CH_WRITE = 1
 Write channel. More...
- Protected Properties inherited from AbstractSocket
resource $resource
 The underlying PHP resource. More...
- Public Static Methods inherited from AbstractSocket
static self create (int $domain=AF_INET,... $extra)
 Creates an instance of the called class. More...
static int getType ()
 The SOCK_* type constant for the class. More...


◆ __toString()

string __toString ( )

The server's name as <address>:<port>, or <filepath>:0 for Unix sockets, or ?<id> if a name can't be derived (e.g.

the socket is closed).

See also

◆ bind()

$this bind ( string  $address,
int  $port = 0 

Binds to an address and port, or file path (Unix) for the OS to create, so the server can listen.

Unix sockets do not honor SO_REUSEADDR. It is your responsibility to remove unused socket files.

See also
int$portZero for a random unused network port. Unix sockets ignore the port entirely.