▼NHelix | |
▼NAsana | |
▼NApi | |
▼NLaravel | |
▼NCommand | |
CAsanaCall | |
CAsanaGet | |
CAsanaTest | |
▼NFacade | |
CAsana | |
CAsanaServiceProvider | |
CAsanaError | An Api error |
CFileCache | An optional bare bones PSR-16 "compliant" file-based cache for SimpleCachePool |
CPool | Pools entities in runtime memory |
CSimpleCachePool | Adapts a PSR-16 SimpleCache instance to the runtime entity pool |
▼NBase | |
▼NAbstractEntity | |
CCreateTrait | Adds create() to entities |
CCrudTrait | Adds CRUD methods to entities |
CDeleteTrait | Adds delete() to entities |
CDueTrait | Adds date helpers |
CFollowersTrait | The resource has followers that can only be changed via POST |
CLikesTrait | The resource can be "liked" |
CMembersTrait | The resource has members |
CPostMutatorTrait | Adds helpers to entities with fields that have to mutated through POST after creation |
CSyncTrait | Adds event syncing to entities |
CTaskIteratorTrait | The resource can be iterated directly for tasks |
CUpdateTrait | Adds update() to entities |
CUrlTrait | |
CUsersTrait | The resource has users |
CAbstractEntity | A resource with a GID |
CData | A data object with support for annotated magic methods |
CDateTimeTrait | |
CImmutableArrayTrait | Mutation via array-access is not allowed by default |
▼NCustomField | |
CEnumOption | A custom field enum option |
CFieldSetting | A custom field setting |
CFieldSettingsTrait | Adds custom field settings to an entity |
▼NEvent | |
CChange | The change on an event's resource |
▼NProject | |
CSection | A project section |
CStatus | A project status |
CTaskCounts | Project task count summary |
▼NTask | |
▼NFieldEntry | |
CDate | A custom-field's selected date-time |
CAttachment | A file attachment |
CExternalData | Custom task data |
CFieldEntries | Acts as a container for a task's custom-field values |
CFieldEntry | Represents a task's custom-field value |
CLike | A "like" |
CMembership | A task's membership |
CStory | A task story |
▼NTeam | |
▼NProjectTemplate | |
CInstantiator | Creates a new Project from a ProjectTemplate |
CProjectTemplate | A team project template |
▼NUser | |
CPhoto | URLs to a user's photo in various sizes |
CTaskList | A user's task list in a given workspace |
▼NWebhook | |
CAbstractWebhook | A webhook |
CProjectWebhook | A project webhook |
CTaskWebhook | A task webhook |
CApi | API access |
CColor | Color constants |
CCustomField | A custom field |
CEvent | An event obtained via sync token or delivered to you via webhook |
CJob | An asynchronous job |
COrganizationExport | An organization export |
CPortfolio | A portfolio |
CProject | A project |
CTag | A tag |
CTask | A task |
CTeam | A team |
CUser | A user |
CWorkspace | A workspace / organization |